Nicola Mustone

Happiness Lead @ Automattic

  • Searching The Code

    I’m sure that at least once you had to search something in the code, even if you are not a developer. Maybe a support technician told you that you can customize your site using WordPress actions, or you simply need to know the name of a function.

    Well, searching into the code is not as easy as it seems, but I’ll try to explain here how I do it so that you can do it easily and quickly.

    Coding knowledge are not required, but it would be very helpful if you can understand what you read.


  • Cross-Post from a blog Automatically

    Some weeks ago I started a new blog named When I Have Time where I write about anything not related to WordPress and WooCommerce.

    It’s a blog, and I needed to boost it a bit. I thought to cross-post from that blog to this one, by creating posts here and linking them to that blog, but I didn’t want them to appear as real posts like others on this blog, more like referrals only.

    I found some plugins to do this on the .org repository, but they didn’t do exactly what I wanted. So I decided to create mine.


  • Human Readable Time Difference in WordPress

    At least once in your life, you have seen a site with limited-time offers or memberships expiring on a specific date.

    If you noticed, they often say, “Expires in X”. That’s easy to understand for a human, but how do you do it in WordPress?


  • Adding a Logout Link in the Main Menu

    Updated on the 5th of December, 2023

    The addition of a custom logout link in the main menu of a WordPress site has been a frequent topic of discussion and inquiry on the support forum. While many WordPress themes come with their own integrated methods for adding such links, and several users resort to inserting custom code snippets into their functions.php file, the advent of Gutenberg, Full-Site Editing (FSE), and block-based design offers a much simpler solution.


  • Adding a PDF Catalog for Your Store

    Have you ever considered how handy it would be if customers could download a PDF catalog of your store’s products? This feature is great for various situations. For example, a wholesaler might need a catalog with different prices. Or, customers may want to check out products offline before buying. Adding a PDF catalog to your WooCommerce store can meet these needs




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About The Author

Hi, I’m Nico! Support Lead at Automattic, championing & WooCommerce. Off-duty, I’m at Elemental Beacon, leading epic D&D adventures. Let’s connect, whether it’s about WordPress or a quest!